Spring 2008 Results

The Young Ones

Sheffield STinGS (South Yorkshire)

Team Photo
Start time End time DurationDistanceAverage speed
20:27:0002:23:205:565.04 km 0.85 km/h

You collected points by completing 6 of the main activity bases including Go Chimp! and Blood, Sweat and Gears. You returned within the six hours allowed, so avoided getting any time penalties.

Control DescriptionTimePoints
03Eastern path crossing20:35:4110
14Vegetation boundary20:41:135
HGo Chimp! (Open ground by forest road)20:53:3550
15Gully crossing21:04:0025
LBlood, Sweat and Gears (Woodland West of forest road)21:27:1950
27By earthwall21:35:2820
POff The Rails (Bridge over disused railway)21:50:5850
RMower Motors (Forest track)23:32:5850
29Alongside footpath23:48:2230
30Dip in ground (depression)00:04:1530
QFlash Sing (Open ground South of forest road)00:55:3050
NTop Of The Pops (Mixed woodland by forest road)01:17:0550

Route map

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